How To Create an EBook In 4 Steps and Sell It

In my previous post on How to Make Money Online, I mentioned information marketing as a major revenue pool in the internet today. Information marketing simply involves creating and selling ebooks and/or audio books.

What Is an Ebook?

An eBook is simply an electronic Boook. It is a book in digital format that can be accessed with digital devices including mobile phones, Tablets and PC. Ebooks come in formats as PDF and Epub.

The world is advancing. People now prefer to access academic materials or articles, novels, reports, journals and guides from their devices. This is basically because it is highly portable. Stats show that More ebooks are downloaded daily than public libraries are visited. Therefore, the information market is a hub to make more money doing less.

What You Need to Create an EBook

Crating an eBook is not a big deal afterall. It is not as difficult as it seems. The only job is in the writing process, which is very tasking if quality meets your purpose for creating the eBook in the first place. Otherwise, you can get your eBook done and sold in few hours.

So, what do you need to get started?

1. PC: you need PC (laptop or desktop). Some mobile devices such as smartphone and tablets can also do the job if it has a good writing or typing software or app installed.

2. A typing Program Software/App: I recommend Microsoft Office Word. Word is a good  program for typesetting documents. It has so many tools which makes it flexible and easy to use. Smartphone users, especially the Android family can use the WPS app for creating documents on their hand-held devices.

3. Other tools which I will introduce as you read on.

Fast Forward....


Step 1: Write Your Content

This is the most crucial step. To create an engaging eBook, your content must be authoritative and interesting. An interesting content is more money to the author (you need not be told).

Write a strong compelling introduction.

The content of your eBook should be in context with the tittle and niche. What I mean is, if your eBook title says "How to Grow beards in 3 days", then the content should be built with ideas on beards, beard-growth acceleration products and all steps well detailed for an achievable result in 3 days.

While writing, ensure that your tittle is not misleading. Your content must tally and support the tittle of your eBook. Do not give the eBook a tittle that is aimed at just attracting buyers. Let the buyers of your eBook be enriched by the content. Very Important!

A well structured content is not only attractive but engages the reader who will in turn recommend your product to another. Therefore, your content should be written in chapters, topics and subtopics. Each paragraph should carry a unique idea. This will make your content beautiful and interesting to read.

Use table of content to spell out what the reader will learn from each page in the course of reading your ebook.

Write your content using Microsoft Office Word for PC users or WPS for smartphone and tablet users.

Step 2: Design a Cover

A book is judged by its cover. So I advise you Channel more energy in creating a beautiful and compelling ebook cover. You can hire me to design one for you for a token if you are not handy with Photoshop or any graphic design tool. Or you can create a free 3D cover with Boxhot at Boxhot is easy to use, all you do is upload an image of the eBook you have designed and the job's done.

Step 4: Convert to PDF

Writing your Ebook Content with Microsoft Office Word saves your document file in a ".doc" format. To convert you document file to an ebook you need to convert to a PDF format. I use Nitropro to do this. It is a free online tool and very easy to use. You are required to upload your word document and enter a valid email address to receive the converted PDF file.

Step 5: Sell Your EBook

We have written our eBook and we have crafted a beautiful cover for it, next is to make some bucks off it. While this is an exciting part of the  exercise, one question always come to mind "Where do I sell my EBook?"

I have made a list of sites that allow you to sell your ebook at no signup cost.

Payhip allows you to not only host your eBook, but to also create promotional campaigns using their promo tools. You can also create affiliates and get others to promote and sell your eBook.
Payment is handled through PayPaland the company takes only 5% commission on each eBook sale you make. There are no setup fees, monthly fees or even hosting fees to concern yourself with. I would really recommend checking them out to sell your eBook.

Fiverr is one of the most popular market on the web to sell products (especially ebooks) and services online. Fiverr is a great place to sell your eBooks on, and there are so many testimonials online on success with selling eBooks on the platform.  

Fiverr is a pretty large platform, even though there might be a lot of competition, the site gets a lot of traffic and you have every opportunity to make a sale of your eBook.

Amazon is probably the most popular site on the web for selling eBooks right now. Although I have never used Amazon to sell anything before I have seen friends make few dollars from Amazon selling ebooks.

You can make between 35% and 70% royalty for your eBooks sold on the Amazon platform, depending on your location and pricing structure.

Because Amazon is such a huge and popular platform, it’s probably the most likely place for bloggers and entrepreneurs to want to sell their eBooks. The site is a great place to get some credible feedback for your publications too.

Other platforms to sell you might want to sell your ebooks and earn high comissions are;, and

In my subsequent post on Ebook writing I will show you how to sell your Ebook without third party sites.

If you find this post interesting, please share with your friends and Subscribe to my email feed for free Ebooks.

If you have sold your ebook by any other means please use the comment box to share with us. 

Happy ebook writing and Enjoy the rest of the week.

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